
Wrapping Up 2022...

Wrapping up 2022, tying a bow around it, and gifting it to myself while I whisper "thank you" into the icy wind.

I'm in so much gratitude for all your support, orders, encouragement this past year. It allowed me to dive deep into my studies with ViTra Academy, re-configure my trajectory, add some skills to my art jam, and ask myself what it looks like to be "successful" in this new landscape. 

As you may have noticed, I've been quiet this holiday season. I often get overwhelmed during this time of year and I took the chance to really go inward, get cozy and rest. It looks like that was a good idea, because I can already sense change in the atmosphere and movement on the horizon. 

Coming up soon, I will be announcing my finished works with a story about them, and information about available prints or upcoming print releases. I look forward to sharing all these insights with you, that way we can share the magic more deeply! 

New clothing coming soon, based on the line drawing images from my coloring book! Keep your eyes peeled for the drop.

I love you, Happy 2023.



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